Awards and Certifications
Awards and Certifications

Largest Industries Award 2023
In its first edition, PECHUGON received the “IND Industries 2023” award for those who promote the country with innovation and commitment.

Employer of the Year Award 2023
The largest employers in the country, both in the public and private sectors, are recognized with the “Employer of the Year” award for their contribution to the formalization of the labor market through the creation of job positions in the country. For the second time, PECHUGÓN was awarded for maintaining labor conditions and generating over 900 direct jobs and nearly 4,000 indirect jobs.

Top Of Mind Award 2023
For twelve consecutive years,PECHUGÓN has secured a place in the minds of Paraguayan consumers with 48% of the mentions in the 2023 Top of Mind competition . The company is a pioneer in poultry production, and there is no doubt that the quality and taste o f its product have made it the number one chicken brand in Paraguay. Top of mind is a reliable and standardized way to measure brand rankings in the consumer’s mind.

Prestige Award 2022
With the Prestige Award, the newspaper 5 días recognizes the reputation and achievements of Paraguayan organizations. The awarded companies are chosen by consumers in a survey conducted by the CCR Consulting Firm in 50 different categories. PECHUGÓN was selected for the quality of its services, image, customer service, and innovation in the poultry category.

CAPEX Award 2022
The Paraguayan Chamber of Exporters (CAPEX in Spanish ) recognizes the most outstanding exporters in the sector with the CAPEX Awards , considering the innovation and focus on achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). PECHUGÓN was honored
with the award for pioneering new paths and co nquering markets beyond our borders.

CAP Brand Ranking Award 2022
The Paraguayan Advertisers Chamber (CAPin Spanish ) annually awards the most used, preferred, and remembered brands in Paraguay. The winners in 100 different categories are dete rmined through a measurement study conducted by Metro Market Research. In 2022, PECHUGÓN was
crowned champion in the poultry category for the seventh consecutive year.

Exporter of the Year Award 2022
For the eighth consecutive year, PECHUGON receives the Exporter of the Year A ward in the poultry industry. As the flagship brand of Paraguayan chicken in the international market, it continues to expand its presence in various markets.
The export products are produced at the CORPASA processing plant, accredited with the Food Safety Management System FSSC 22000 certification, which is an internationally accepted certification scheme based on a combination of sector specific Prerequisite Programs (PRPs) ISO 22000 and additional FSSC requirements.

LAQI Paraguayan Company of the Year 2019 Award
Latin American Quality Institute (LAQI) is a non profi t private organization, founded in Panama City, whose purpose is to promote and support the competitiveness of Latin American companies and organizations. It does so by promoting a culture of Total Responsibility through the “LAEM” methodology, which encom passes the concepts of Total Quality, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development, Fair Trade, and Educational Quality.

Paraguay Country Brand
The Investment and Export Network (REDIEXin Spanish ) of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Paraguay recognizes PECHUGÓN with the “Country Brand” License Certificate for excellence and quality both nationally and in more than 30 in ternational markets.
ISO 9001 Certification
PECHUGÓN has implemented ISO 9001 Certification, an international standard that focuses on all the elements of quality management that a company mus t have to effectively manage and improv e the quality of its products or services.
This certification demonstrates that PECHUGÓN has a policy focused on offering products made with standardized processes of high quality, ensuring controls at international l evel.
FSSC 22000 Certification
PECHUGÓN is the first Paraguayan poultry company to obtain the FSSC 22000 Certification. The Food Safe ty Certification System standard is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and represents the highest level of demand in terms of food safety and security.

SENACSA Accreditation
The National Service of Quality and Animal Health (SENACSA) of Paraguay is the body responsible for the formulation, regulation, coordination, execution, and supervision of the national policy and management of quality and animal health.